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Merrimack Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization

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如果需要使用其它语言了解信息,请联系Merrimack Valley大都会规划组织(MVMPO)《民权法案》第六章协调员,电话978-374-0519.
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What’s New?

MVMPO met virtually at noon on June 26, 2024. During the meeting, MVMPO’s board:

  • Endorsed FFY2024 Unified Planning Work Program – Amendment #2;
  • Opened the comment period for an amendment to the FFY2024-2028 TIP (Amendment #6, Community Transit Grants);
  • Received an update about North Andover’s Commuter Rail Feasibility Study; and
  • Reviewed potential options for MVMPO’s board composition.

MVMPO is scheduled to meet next on Wednesday, July 24 at noon. If no business is proposed, this meeting will be canceled and the next MVMPO meeting occur in August.

A public hearing for FFY2024-2028 TIP (Amendment #6, Community Transit Grants) will be held at MVPC on Thursday, July 18 at 4:00pm. Comments may also be provided in writing to [email protected]. Noticing materials, including a description of the proposed action, are available via the attached links:

MVMPO Overview

The Merrimack Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (or MVMPO) guides regional transportation planning and determines how federal aid will be used to support regional transportation. Board members are appointed by their respective communities to support transportation planning from a regional perspective. Members of the public and transportation advocates are encouraged to follow and engage in the MVMPO’s process:

    • Share your perspective with your respective community/subregion’s appointed MVMPO board member.
    • Attend and provide comments at monthly MVMPO board meetings.
    • Attend public hearings on proposed document amendments and provide comments.
    • Reach out to directly to MVMPO staff at [email protected].

MVMPO’s Role

MVMPO programs apportioned and discretionary federal aid (i.e. obligates the use of federal funds to support local needs). Apportioned aid is made available to states by the federal government in amounts determined by formulas included in federal surface transportation legislation, the most recent being the Investment in Infrastructure and Jobs Act/Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation (BIL). Apportioned aid comprises most of the federal aid that MPOs are responsible for programming. MPOs are also responsible for programming discretionary aid—aid that is not guaranteed and often awarded to regions and municipalities through competitive grant processes—and earmarks.

To remain eligible to program available federal aid, MVMPO must produce and endorse four certification documents: the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), and a Public Participation Plan. Each document fulfills a particular purpose and can be viewed below.

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

The TIP programs federal aid to support transportation and transit projects over the course of a five-year horizon. Amendments are frequent in a give federal fiscal year. The links below summarize actions taken by the board and document public hearings held/notices released. Amendment financial statements can be found directly in monthly MVMPO docket materials (please see the “Other Important MVMPO Documents” tab).

Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)

This document lays out the federally-sourced budget and work program of MVPC transportation staff.

Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)
Formerly referred to as the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and Long Range Transportation Plan. This document assesses conditions and considers projects to address long-term needs and projections. The document also includes the region’s federally required congestion management plan (CMP).

Public Participation Plan (PPP)
This document details how MVMPO solicits public involvement and cooperative decision-making.

Other Important MVMPO Documents
Nondiscrimination Documentation (lays out protections for all who wish to engage with MVMPO and its staff):
Coordinated Public Transportation Human Services Plan (discusses opportunities to improve transit for seniors, riders with disabilities, veterans, and other riders within the region and beyond): 
MVMPO Memorandum of Understanding (defines the composition and roles of MVMPO):
Recent Meeting Materials:

Looking for older MVMPO minutes or other documents? Please contact [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Federal Certification Documents be changed after they are endorsed?

Yes! Transportation planning is an evolving, continuous process. The MVMPO routinely reviews and makes decisions on adjustments and amendments to annual Unified Planning Work Programs and Transportation Improvement Programs. While less frequent, the MVMPO may also adjust or amend to the region’s Public Participation Plan and Metropolitan Transportation Plan. Changes are always reviewed at MVMPO meetings, and public comment is welcome. Depending on the scale of a proposed change, public hearings and a comment period may also be required.

Who are my MVMPO representatives and how do I contact them?

MVMPO Board members are selected consistent with the MVMPO Memorandum of Understanding. A list of the current MVMPO Board, alternates, and contact information can be found here: [in development]

How can I access older MVMPO documents?

Looking for a previous TIP, UPWP, long-range plan, or regional study? We can help. Please contact [email protected].