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Keeping up with our involvement throughout the Merrimack Valley region

The Rural Housing Service (RHS or the Agency), a Rural Development (RD) agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), announces the acceptance of applications under the Rural Community […]

The Seaport Economic Council helps coastal communties fortify their economic output by establishing infrastructure while mitigating the effects of climate change. The types of projects in question would revive tourism, […]

The TDI Equity Investment Program helps make the transformation of commercial properties possible by aiding projects that will help development in TDI Districts. These projects are those that lack enough […]

Aiming to help communities disproportionally affected by environmental, climate and human health policy outcomes, the Thriving Communities Grant program will give these communities and opportunity to compete for federal aid […]

Aiming at vacant and underused properties, the Underutilized Properties Program will help redevelop these properties to improve economic development and housing production, while being mindful of the limitations of those […]

This competitve grant program funds community planning projects in MBTA Communities that intend to imrpove housing, transportation, infrastructure, economic development, or community development. Communities with funds from the Housing Choice […]

“I-Cubed” or “The Infrastructure Investment Incentive Program” has the purpose of aiding massive private real estate development projects with funds ranging from $5 million to $50 million. The state tax […]

A grant that is geared towards helping military veterans and their families better manage their money and stay out of debt. Programs will help these veterans and families become financially […]

The objectives of MassDevelopment’s Site Readiness Program are to increase the amount of areas of large project sites where investors can aid industrial, commericial, and mixed use projects. Supporting the […]

The Urban Agenda Grant Program is a competitive grant program that seeks proposals or projects that entail community-driven responses to community-defined economic opportunities, and that build leadership, collaboration, and capacity […]

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