MVPC is excited to announce the kickoff of a new planning initiative lead by the Community and Economic Development department. Last year the department applied for and received a federal grant from the Economic Development Administration to conduct a study of...
MVPC Begins Upgrading GIS Web Applications
MVPC begins upgrading GIS web applications to Esri’s new Experience Builder technology to improve online GIS functionality.
Celebrate GIS Day with the MVPC Programs
MVPC GIS celebrates GIS by giving a brief overview of the many applications built on behalf of the region and the other programs.
MVPC Welcomes Latest Team Members to Build Capacity
MVPC welcomes latest team members and adds critical skillsets to the team which bolster capacity and expertise.
Eagleview Training Recording Released
Access the recording of the training hosted by MVPC and conducted by Eagleview on the aerial imagery platform, ConnectExplorer.
2023 Aerial Imagery Capture Available on MIMAP
The 2023 aerial imagery acquisition has been deployed to MIMAP after being captured this past spring, marking the start of flights biannually.
MVPC Aces Cybersecurity Awareness Grant Program
MVPC is pleased to announce we have successfully completed the Municipal Cybersecurity Awareness Grant program.
MVPC Participates in Municipal Cyber Security Awareness
MVPC was awarded the opportunity to participate in EOTSS’s Municipal Cyber Security Awareness Grant program to enhance our protocols.
MVPC Welcomes Two Newest Staff Members
MVPC welcomes Joe Barmashi, the GIS Specialist and Hanna Mogensen, the Coastal Resources Planner to the team.
North Andover Completes Climate Resiliency Planning Process
North Andover stepped toward climate resiliency with the adoption of the Multi-Hazard Mitigation & Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Plan.