The Great Marsh Resiliency Task Force, co-chaired by Senator Bruce Tarr and organized by MVPC’s Peter Phippen, convened for the 10th time at their annual meeting on January 27th, 2023. This year, the speakers covered a broad range of topics, presenting on a diversity...
Committed to Cleanup: MVPC’s Brownfields Roadshow In Action
MVPC’s Brownfields roadshow is making its way around the region with municipal leaders to prioritize cleanup and assessment funds for projects.
Moving through the Marsh: 2022 Great Marsh Symposium Recap
A brief recap of the Great Marsh Symposium 2022 where partners of the marsh discussed road inundation and mitigation strategies.
Bennington Triangle
If you visit the Arlington neighborhood in Lawrence – on the north side of the Merrimack River close to the Methuen border – you will notice a pop of color and greenery at the intersection of Bennington Street and Lawrence Street. The Lawrence Pa’Lante, a project lead...
Marine Invasive Species Monitoring Activities in the Marsh
A recap of the marine invasive species monitoring activities on the Great Marsh. We are looking for volunteers for the 2023 season.
MVPC Welcomes Two Newest Staff Members
MVPC welcomes Joe Barmashi, the GIS Specialist and Hanna Mogensen, the Coastal Resources Planner to the team.
MVPC Receives 1.5 Million Dollars in Brownfields Funds
MVPC receives 1.5 million dollars in brownfields funds through the EPA’s Brownfields and Land Revitalization Program.
MVPC to Present at EPA’s Soak Up the Rain Webinar
MVPC will present at EPA’s next Soak Up the Rain webinar, an educational series about the importance of meeting stormwater management goals.
Earth Day in the Merrimack Valley
An overview of Earth Day activities in 2022 for the Merrimack Valley region to celebrate the ways our communities are committing to the Earth
Stormwater Mitigation Bylaw Review Kickoff Meeting Recap
MVPC hosted the kickoff meeting for the stormwater mitigation bylaw review project in conjunction with Ipswich River Watershed Association and Salem Sound Coastwatch