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MVMPO Meeting August 25 Virtual Monthly Meeting – CANCELED

OnLine Meeting VIRTUAL ONLY, MA, United States

The MVMPO Member Monthly Virtual Meetings are scheduled for the 4th Wednesday of the month. For questions, please contact the MVMPO Transportation Program Manager and Title VI Coordinator, Anthony Komornick at 978-374-0519 or akomornick@mvpc.org

MVMPO Virtual Monthly Meeting for September 22, 2021 (CANCELED)

OnLine Meeting VIRTUAL ONLY, MA, United States

The MVMPO Member Monthly Virtual Meetings are scheduled for the 4th Wednesday of the month. For questions, please contact the MVMPO Transportation Program Manager and Title VI Coordinator, Anthony Komornick at 978-374-0519 or akomornick@mvpc.org

Workforce Panel for Merrimack Valley Manufacturers

On Line Virtual Workshop MA, United States

REGISTER NOW Manufacturers in the Merrimack Valley - join us for a panel discussion to learn and ask questions about strategizes to improve your workforce recruitment and retention. Topics include: How to access the local workforce & market your open positions Strategies to improve employee retention State programs available to support your workforce And more! […]