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MassDOT Capital Investment Plan Public Hearing

OnLine Meeting VIRTUAL ONLY, MA, United States

What are your priorities for transportation in Massachusetts? The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is currently developing the annual Capital Investment Plan (CIP), that guides how we prioritize and fund local and statewide transportation projects, and we need your input. The CIP determines funding for new buses and trains, rail expansion, transit, paratransit, accessibility upgrades, […]

DHCD Housing Production Plan 40B and Safe Harbor Informational Workshop

OnLine Meeting VIRTUAL ONLY, MA, United States

Informational Workshop with Phillip DeMartino of DHCD on "Housing Production Plan, 40B and Safe Harbor.” MVPC worked with its cities and towns to develop a Regional Housing Production Plan, a compendium of plans specific to each community. One of the benefits of having this plan is to better guide 40B projects. Given the pipeline of […]


MVMPO Notice of Public Hearing / Availability for Review and Comment

OnLine Meeting VIRTUAL ONLY, MA, United States

Notice is hereby given of the Availability of the following Draft document for public review and comment: Public Notice and Virtual Meeting Instructions (pdf)  (html) (Spanish) (Chinese) • Draft Merrimack Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (MVMPO) FFY 2021 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) (html) Two (2) VIRTUAL Public Hearings on this document will be held, one […]