MVMPO Monthly Meeting – Virtual
Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Merrimack Valley Planning Commission, Haverhill, MA, United Stateshe MVMPO Member Monthly Virtual Meetings are scheduled for the 4th Wednesday of the month.
he MVMPO Member Monthly Virtual Meetings are scheduled for the 4th Wednesday of the month.
REGISTER HERE! Interested in transportation in the Merrimack Valley? The Merrimack Valley Transportation Committee (MVTC) welcomes the participation of its members as well as stakeholders to contribute insight, ideas, and expertise in the many areas of transportation such as transit, active transportation, community advocacy, freight, equity, and environmental sustainability. The purpose of this group is […]
Public Hearing MVMPO Draft FFYs 2023-2027 TIP and Amendment # 2 to the FFYs 2022-2026 TIP Audiencia Pública Enmienda al Programa de Mejora del Transporte 版公开听证会通知 交通改善方案修正案 Draft MVMPO FFYs 2023-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (pdf) (html) Project List for Draft MVMPO FFYs 2023-2027 TIP (pdf) (html) (Spanish español) (Simplified Chinese 简体中文) Proposed TIP Amendment #2 […]
Public Hearing MVMPO Draft FFYs 2023-2027 TIP and Amendment # 2 to the FFYs 2022-2026 TIP” Audiencia Pública Enmienda al Programa de Mejora del Transporte 版公开听证会通知 交通改善方案修正案 Draft MVMPO FFYs 2023-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (pdf) (html) Project List for Draft MVMPO FFYs 2023-2027 TIP (pdf) (html) (Spanish español) (Simplified Chinese 简体中文) Proposed TIP Amendment #2 […]
The Commission meets monthly and is scheduled for the 3rd Thursday of the month. For questions, please contact Nancy Lavallee at 978-374-0519 or [email protected]
The MVMPO Member Monthly Virtual Meetings are scheduled for the 4th Wednesday of the month. For questions, please contact the MVMPO Transportation Program Manager and Title VI Coordinator, Anthony Komornick at 978-374-0519 or [email protected] Please note that, due to the public health emergency cause by the COVID-19 virus and through the recent Open Meeting Law […]
Eagleview will be hosting an informational meeting about the upcoming FY23 aerial imagery flight as well as showcasing other technologies.
Register For Meeting Register and join us for the MV Vision 2050 kick-off meeting! We will be introducing the project and our public engagement initiative. This will be an interactive meeting to gather your input on how we approach transportation projects and shape our vision for the Merrimack Valley transportation network. After the meeting, please […]
Public Hearing MVMPO Draft 2023 UPWP and Draft Amendment # 3 to the FFYs 2022-2026 TIP Audiencia Pública Enmienda al Programa de Mejora del Transporte 版公开听证会通知 交通改善方案修正案 Public Hearing Notice and directions for joining the Public Hearing (PDF) (html) (Spanish español) (Simplified Chinese 简体中文) Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) FFY 2023 UPWP SUMMARY Sheet (PDF) (html) (Simplified […]
Public Hearing MVMPO Draft 2023 UPWP and Draft Amendment # 3 to the FFYs 2022-2026 TIP Audiencia Pública Enmienda al Programa de Mejora del Transporte 版公开听证会通知 交通改善方案修正案 Public Hearing Notice and directions for joining the Public Hearing (PDF) (html) (Spanish español) (Simplified Chinese 简体中文) Unified Planning Work Program FFY 2023 UPWP SUMMARY Sheet (PDF) (html) (Simplified […]
The MVMPO Member Monthly Virtual Meetings are scheduled for the 4th Wednesday of the month. For questions, please contact the MVMPO Transportation Program Manager and Title VI Coordinator, Anthony Komornick at 978-374-0519 or [email protected]
Public Hearing MVMPO Draft Amendments to the FFY 2022 UPWP and to the FFYs 2022-2026 TIP Audiencia Pública Enmienda al Programa de Mejora del Transporte 版公开听证会通知 交通改善方案修正案 July 13 at 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm Notice is hereby given of the Availability of the following Draft Amendments for public review and comment: Draft Amendment #2 […]
Public Hearing MVMPO Draft Amendments to the FFY 2022 UPWP and to the FFYs 2022-2026 TIP Audiencia Pública Enmienda al Programa de Mejora del Transporte 版公开听证会通知 交通改善方案修正案 July 13 at 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Notice is hereby given of the Availability of the following Draft Amendments for public review and comment: Draft Amendment #2 […]
The MVMPO Member Monthly Virtual Meetings are scheduled for the 4th Wednesday of the month. For questions, please contact the MVMPO Transportation Program Manager and Title VI Coordinator, Anthony Komornick at 978-374-0519 or [email protected]
The MVMPO Member Monthly Virtual Meetings are scheduled for the 4th Wednesday of the month or as needed. Date is subject to change
“Public Hearing MVMPO Amendments # 6 and # 7 to the FFYs 2022-2026 TIP” Audiencia Pública Enmienda al Programa de Mejora del Transporte 版公开听证会通知 交通改善方案修正案 August 30 at 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm” Notice is hereby given of the Availability of the following Draft Amendments for public review and comment: Draft Amendments # 6 and […]
“Public Hearing MVMPO Amendments # 6 and # 7 to the FFYs 2022-2026 TIP” Audiencia Pública Enmienda al Programa de Mejora del Transporte 版公开听证会通知 交通改善方案修正案 August 30 at 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Notice is hereby given of the Availability of the following Draft Amendments for public review and comment: Draft Amendments # 6 and […]
The MVMPO Member Monthly Virtual Meetings are scheduled for the 4th Wednesday of the month or as needed. Date is subject to change.
The Commission meets monthly and is scheduled for the 3rd Thursday of the month.
The Commissioners meet monthly. The Commission meetings are scheduled for the 3rd Thursday of the month.
The MVMPO Member Monthly Virtual Meetings are scheduled for the 4th Wednesday of the month
Public meeting coordinated Transportation for Seniors
Monthly MVPC Commission Meeting
The MVMPO Member Monthly Virtual Meetings are scheduled for the 4th Wednesday of the month. The date is subject to change. For questions, please contact the Betsy Goodrich at 978-374-0519 or [email protected] Draft MVMPO Meeting AGENDA Draft October 26, 2022 MVMPO Meeting Minutes Proposed TIP Adjustment November 2022
Register Here Interested in transportation in the Merrimack Valley? The Merrimack Valley Transportation Committee (MVTC) welcomes the participation of its members as well as stakeholders to contribute insight, ideas, and expertise in the many areas of transportation such as transit, active transportation, community advocacy, freight, equity, and environmental sustainability. The purpose of this group is […]
Monthly Commission Meeting
Notice is hereby given of the Availability of the following Amendment for public review and comment: Proposed Amendment to the Merrimack Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (MVMPO) FFY 2023 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Merrimack Valley城市规划组织(MVMPO)联邦财政年度2023统一规划工作项目(UPWP)拟议修正案 Propuesta de modificación al Programa de Trabajo de Planificación Unificada (UPWP) del año fiscal federal 2023 de la Organización de […]
Notice is hereby given of the Availability of the following Amendment for public review and comment: Proposed Amendment to the Merrimack Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (MVMPO) FFY 2023 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Merrimack Valley城市规划组织(MVMPO)联邦财政年度2023统一规划工作项目(UPWP)拟议修正案 Propuesta de modificación al Programa de Trabajo de Planificación Unificada (UPWP) del año fiscal federal 2023 de la Organización de […]