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Community Empowerment and Reinvestment Grant Program

Community Empowerment and Reinvestment Grant Program

Targeted at communities that have faced a large amounts of economic growth challenges compared to the rest of the state, with emphasis on communities that have high amounts of incarceration, recidivism, poverty, and groups that are disadvantaged and unrepresented....
Community Empowerment and Reinvestment Grant Program

New Markets Tax Credit

The New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) Program provides incentive for economic growth in low income communities by offering a federal tax credit to coporations that will invest in Community Development Entities (CDEs). A CDE is a financial intermediary which has private...
Community Empowerment and Reinvestment Grant Program

TDI Equity

The TDI Equity Investment Program helps make the transformation of commercial properties possible by aiding projects that will help development in TDI Districts. These projects are those that lack enough funding to continue, but would stimulate market demand if they...
Community Empowerment and Reinvestment Grant Program

Chapter 43D – Expedited Local Permitting

A more efficient process for local permitting. Permitting decisions regarding priority development sites are guaranteed to be decided on within 180 days. Sites must be zoned commericial, industrial, residential, or mixed use.
Community Empowerment and Reinvestment Grant Program

Community Investment Tax Credit Program (CITC)

Covering urban, suburban, and rural areas, the purpose of the CITC is to help communities partner with nonprofit, public and private organizations through CDCs to work on projects that improve economic opportunities for low and moderate income households. The CITC is...