As a function of our regional transportation plans like the Metropolitan Transportation Plan that informs the Transportation Improvement Plan which works to identify and prioritize transportation needs across the region, MVPC collects information on the entire universe of projects for potential infrastructure improvements. This work serves to inform not only our own regional planning objectives but tees up projects for other state and federal funding opportunities as well.
The Highway Division at MassDOT will be hosting a public information meeting on one of these identified projects. The Salisbury Route 1A Reconstruction & Related Work, known as MassDOT project #607710 will be held on Wednesday, September 27th at 7 p.m. in the Salisbury Elementary School Cafeteria room.
The project proposal includes the reconstruction of a portion of Route 1A (North End Boulevard) in Salisbury as well as the construction of a shared-use path complete with crossings, sidewalk and pedestrian curb ramp, guardrail, and other safety improvements to the area.
For more information about the project from MassDOT, check out the Highway Division website. If you are interested in how the transportation improvement project process is conducted or how the work at MVPC informs projects like this, head over to our Transportation program page for details.