MVPC selected by Tufts University for research assistance in Great Marsh resiliency projects.
Clean, Efficient Energy for All: MVPC Awarded AARC Grant
In December, the Baker-Polito Administration announced grants totaling nearly $800,000 to eight Massachusetts Regional Planning Authorities through the Affordable Access to Regional Coordination (AARC) Grant Program for education, training, and outreach to increase...
MVPC Attends National Brownfields Conference
Two of MVPC’s staff members attended the EPA’s National Brownfield’s Conference to discuss challenges and success stories.
Great Time on the Great Marsh
A Recap of the Great Marsh Boat Tour led by MVPC’s Peter Philppen.
Dredging on the North Shore?
Dredging on the North Shore? MVPC Looks to Investigate for Coastal Resiliency