by MVPC Staff | Oct 23, 2019 | Environment
A Recap of the Great Marsh Boat Tour led by MVPC’s Peter Philppen.
by MVPC Staff | Oct 9, 2019 | GIS
With the introduction of October 2019, MVPC wants to wrap up September’s Celebration of 60 Years by once again thanking our residents, communities, and officials for 60 years of regional collaboration. We would also like to thank our staff, past and present for their...
by MVPC Staff | Sep 26, 2019 | General
For those who haven’t heard, the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission is celebrating 60 years of regional collaboration this month! As always, MVPC is grateful for the expertise and dedication of all our staff members, member communities and regional partnerships to...
by MVPC Staff | Sep 16, 2019 | Transportation
The Merrimack Valley Planning Commission is celebrating 60 years of service to the region this month and we wanted to take the time to thank our advocates and allies for helping us get to this point. Nothing that MVPC does for the Merrimack Valley can be achieved...
by MVPC Staff | Sep 4, 2019 | Economic, GIS
MVPC Leads a First-of-its-Kind Cultural Asset Mapping Project in the Merrimack Valley