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Happy Earth Day from MVPC!

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Fifty years ago, on April 22, 1970, 10% of the US Population turned out to support justice for the planet leading to the passage of landmark environmental laws including the Clean Air and Clean Waters Acts. Support for the Earth cannot take place with large rallies or even beach cleanups during the COVID-19 crisis, but that doesn’t mean we can’t pay homage to our beautiful home planet. MVPC found these ideas to help you mark the day:


Read about the history of this now worldwide event here:

The History of Earth Day | Earth Day

The First Earth Day. Every year on April 22, Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. As we prepare to mark 50 years of Earth Day in 2020, let’s take a look at the last half-century of mobilization for action:


Try a digital Earth Day:

Earth Day goes digital with 24 hours of action | Earth Day

The coronavirus pandemic does not shut us down. Instead, it reminds us of what’s at stake in our fight for the planet. If we don’t demand change to transform our planet and meet our climate crisis, our current state will become the new normal — a world where pandemics and extreme weather events span the globe, leaving already marginalized and vulnerable communities even more at risk.


Or celebrate Earth Day more locally with Mass Audubon:

Celebrate Earth Month with Mass Audubon | Your Great Outdoors

For 50 years, the entire world has gathered on one day to celebrate our environment. Since 1970, Earth Day reminds us that we have the power to protect our planet and effect change. This year, Eart…


Sign up for a webinar:

Webinar: Save the Pollinators! Save the Planet! – Ecological Landscape Alliance

Trevor Smith is the owner of Land Escapes, a full service regenerative landscape design and build company based in the Boston area. Land Escapes specializes in green stormwater infrastructure, such as permeable pavers and rain gardens, as well as in landscapes designed to maximize Earth’s systems while balancing them with the needs and desires of her human inhabitants.


Check out kid friendly resources from the U.S. EPA:



Though many events are virtual this year, we can still find ways to connect with the planet and support our Earth.

Happy Earth Day from MVPC!