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Clean, Efficient Energy for All: MVPC Awarded AARC Grant

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In December, the Baker-Polito Administration announced grants totaling nearly $800,000 to eight Massachusetts Regional Planning Authorities through the Affordable Access to Regional Coordination (AARC) Grant Program for education, training, and outreach to increase and institutionalize knowledge of clean energy technologies and clean energy programs applicable to low-income residents and affordable housing. The AARC Program was announced as part of the Administration’s Affordable Access to Clean and Efficient Energy (AACEE) and continues the Department of Energy Resources’ commitment to expanding access to clean energy technology for the Commonwealth’s low-income residents.

MVPC was awarded $77,036 through the AARC Program to increase local-level knowledge of clean and efficient energy technologies and incentive programs, thereby helping to remove barriers and improve access to clean and efficient energy technologies for the low-income population. This opportunity is especially important as a resource for smaller affordable housing developers and owners, and municipalities. Additionally, the AARC grants provide funding to RPAs for three general categories of activities:  internal knowledge and capacity building; training and outreach to local organizations and municipalities; and services to help low-income residents and low-income housing owners access clean energy programs and incentives.

“Massachusetts has always been a leader when it comes to conservation and for promoting clean, renewable energy,” said State Representative Lenny Mirra (R-West Newbury). “These grants will help extend these new technologies to people who need it most and can least afford it.

Jennifer Hughes, Environmental Program Manager, and Nate Robertson, Community and Economic Development Planner will lead this effort expanding their knowledge of these programs and bringing that knowledge to community leaders and other local stakeholders. This grant will further the vision established in the Merrimack Valley Clean Action Plan to make the valley truly “Green” by ensuring that all community members are part of the implementation.

For more information please see the official press release from the Baker-Polito Administration.