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The Merrimack: River at Risk – Virtual Viewing

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The Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC) and Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG), in partnership with the Society for the Protection of NH Forests, are pleased to present the movie “The Merrimack- River at Risk” to its commissioners and community leaders on Wednesday, August 26th from 7-9 pm. The film will be followed by a question and answer session with Forest Society President, Jack Savage and Education Director, Dave Anderson.

In August, the Massachusetts House of Representatives passed legislation requiring public notification when untreated sewage overflows into a waterway, including discharges along the Merrimack. In addition, the Merrimack River District Commission (MRDC), led by the MVPC, finished work with consultants Brown and Caldwell to establish a decision framework aimed at establishing a consistent, unified, and dependable framework for decisions and funding priorities on the Merrimack. A final report is expected to be released early next month.

MVPC and NMCOG, including many member municipalities, have been part of these efforts, serving on steering committees and supporting efforts for a healthy and resilient Merrimack River. These accomplishments and ongoing challenges are some of the issues highlighted in the recently released movie The Merrimack: River at Risk, a production of the Society for the Protection of NH Forests with eco-photography by Jerry Monkman. The movie aired on NH Public Television on July 23rd and again on July 25th. This presentation will be held online with GoToMeeting.

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