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Merrimack Valley Looks for Full Count in 2020 U.S Census

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Once every ten years, the U.S Census Bureau circulates a questionnaire to every home in the United States and its five territories. The goal: count every person living within those borders. Mandated by the Constitution, the count provides crucial data for not only lawmakers and politicians, but teachers, business owners, and communities. The data helps secure funding for resources like hospitals, schools, and roadways. It also determines the number of seats each state has in the U.S House of Representatives.

While many things were postponed and canceled due to coronavirus this year, the 2020 Census isn’t one of them. It is more important than ever that an accurate and complete count of the country is completed to inform policy, recovery, and shape the future of our communities.

MVPC is one of many organizations that utilize the data that comes out of each collection. We use the American Community Survey, demographics, and environmental justice data derived from the Census to inform project trajectories and recommendations in transportation, the environment, and economic development. Planning is people-based, and our populations are changing. Thus, the Census data is instrumental in our ability to assist communities with evolving project needs.

The Census data builds an understanding of Merrimack Valley so that we can continue to promote the orderly growth and preservation of the region for all. Help us make sure your community gets a full count by taking the 2020 Census now.

For more information visit these U.S Census resources:

Para información en español visita:

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