MVMPO July 2021 Monthly Virtual Meeting
OnLine Meeting VIRTUAL ONLY, MA, United StatesThe MVMPO Monthly Virtual Meetings are scheduled for the 4th Wednesday of the month.
The MVMPO Monthly Virtual Meetings are scheduled for the 4th Wednesday of the month.
Join the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission for the virtual launch of Merrimack Valley Strong, a new program to help small businesses recover from COVID-19. Businesses get paired with an experienced business advisor who can help them navigate government support programs, financing options, operations issues, bookkeeping, marketing, and get them connected with specialists when needed. This is […]
The MVMPO Member Monthly Virtual Meetings are scheduled for the 4th Wednesday of the month. For questions, please contact the MVMPO Transportation Program Manager and Title VI Coordinator, Anthony Komornick at 978-374-0519 or