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OnLine Meeting VIRTUAL ONLY, MA, United States

公众听证会通知/可进行审阅并发表意见  (pdf) 2022联邦财政年度统一规划工作计划(UPWP)草案总结  (pdf) 梅里马克山谷大都市规划组织(MVMPO)

MVPC Commission Monthly Hybrid Meeting

Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Merrimack Valley Planning Commission, Haverhill, MA, United States

Our team of Commissioners is made of up representatives from each of our 15 communities—one member appointed by the planning board, an alternate appointed by town officials. Thank you to our Commissioners for your contribution and service.

MVMPO Monthly Virtual Meeting

OnLine Meeting VIRTUAL ONLY, MA, United States

The MVMPO Member Monthly Virtual Meetings are scheduled for the 4th Wednesday of the month