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Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant Program (Mega, INFRA, Rural) 

Last Mile

Applies to towns with municipally owned broadband networks, to meet design, construction and engineering needs. Grants will be awarded to professional and construction endeavors. The purpose is to mitigate a town’s financial commitment to this type of project....
Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant Program (Mega, INFRA, Rural) 

Ferry Service For Rural Communities 

The Ferry Service For Rural Communities Grant Program aims to help Rural Communities gain access to ferry services by funding projects that improve the captial, planning, and operation of the services. Serves two or more communities that are more than 50 nautical...
Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant Program (Mega, INFRA, Rural) 

MA Downtown Initiative (MDI)

Part of the Community One Stop for Growth application for reviewing grant programs that make investments. The purpose of MDI is to use the economic and community needs of municipalities, and put these needs into account when finding ways to revitilize downtown areas....