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Brownfields Remediation (Remediation) – Loan

Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance

This NOFO sets out EDA’s application submission and review procedures for two of EDA’s core economic development programs authorized under the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, as amended (42 U.S.C. § 3121 et seq.) (PWEDA): (1) Public Works and...
Brownfields Remediation (Remediation) – Loan

Operation Money Wise

A grant that is geared towards helping military veterans and their families better manage their money and stay out of debt. Programs will help these veterans and families become financially stable and be integrated into their community’s economy.
Brownfields Remediation (Remediation) – Loan


“I-Cubed” or “The Infrastructure Investment Incentive Program” has the purpose of aiding massive private real estate development projects with funds ranging from $5 million to $50 million. The state tax revenue earned from the projects at hand...
Brownfields Remediation (Remediation) – Loan

Urban Agenda

The Urban Agenda Grant Program is a competitive grant program that seeks proposals or projects that entail community-driven responses to community-defined economic opportunities, and that build leadership, collaboration, and capacity at the local level.