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Grantor: Executive office of energy and environmental affairs

Matching Funds: 25% match

MVP Action Grant

The MVP Action Grant offers financial resources to communities that are seeking to advance priority climate adaptation actions to address climate change impacts resulting from extreme weather, sea level rise, inland and coastal flooding, severe heat, and other climate impacts.

Action Grants are open to municipalities who have completed the Community Resilience Building (CRB) process (or another process deemed comparable by EEA) and received “MVP Community” designation from EEA. Applications from regional partnerships of multiple municipalities are eligible provided that the lead municipal applicant is MVP-designated.

Beyond municipalities who have achieved “MVP Community” status, this RFR is also open to other Commonwealth “political subdivisions” and any authorities, commissions, boards, and instrumentalities of those eligible entities. Such eligible entities should apply for projects that align with priorities in an MVP-approved municipal climate resilience plan and should also include a letter of support from the municipality/ies related to the project. Federally-recognized and state-acknowledged Tribes are also eligible.

All projects are required to provide monthly updates, project deliverables, and a brief project case study communicating lessons learned. The municipality is also required to match 25% of total project cost using cash or in-kind contributions (see RFR for exceptions)