The Healthy Communities Grant Program is EPA New England’s main competitive grant program to work directly with communities to reduce environmental risks to protect and improve human health and the quality of life.
About MVPC
We foster a cooperative effort among our communities in resolving common, regional problems, to allow our communities to plan jointly, and to promote with the greatest efficiency and economy the coordinated and orderly development of the region and the general welfare of its residents.
About MVPC
About MVPC
We foster a cooperative effort among our communities in resolving common, regional problems, to allow our communities to plan jointly, and to promote with the greatest efficiency and economy the coordinated and orderly development of the region and the general welfare of its residents.
Resource Center
Regional Engagements
Status: Open
Topics: Environment
Audience: Municipalities
Grantor: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Max Award: $40,000
The Healthy Communities Grant Program is EPA New England’s main competitive grant program to work directly with communities to reduce environmental risks to protect and improve human health and the quality of life.