Keeping up with our involvement throughout the Merrimack Valley region
The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program provides flexible funding to carry out a wide range of community development activities directed toward neighborhood revitalization, economic development, and improved community facilities/services
Targeted at communities that have faced a large amounts of economic growth challenges compared to the rest of the state, with emphasis on communities that have high amounts of incarceration, […]
Covering urban, suburban, and rural areas, the purpose of the CITC is to help communities partner with nonprofit, public and private organizations through CDCs to work on projects that improve […]
Funding for schools across Massachusetts to set up or build upon financial education programs. Schools apply through the Treasurer’s Office of Economic Empowerment.
The Ferry Service For Rural Communities Grant Program aims to help Rural Communities gain access to ferry services by funding projects that improve the captial, planning, and operation of the […]
The Housing Choice Initiative provides incentives, rewards, technical assistance and targeted legislative reform to encourage and empower municipalities to plan and build the diverse housing stock that the Commonwealth needs […]
Applies to towns with municipally owned broadband networks, to meet design, construction and engineering needs. Grants will be awarded to professional and construction endeavors. The purpose is to mitigate a […]
Part of the Community One Stop for Growth application for reviewing grant programs that make investments. The purpose of MDI is to use the economic and community needs of municipalities, […]