Combined Sewage Overflows: Frequently Asked Questions
CSO's in the Merrimack River We experienced the worst year on record for Combined Sewage Overflow...
Earth Day Activities
Spring has sprung in the Merrimack Valley! As Earth Day...
MVPC Participates in Marsh Madness
So, we’ve all heard of March Madness (a month to revel in the joys and woes of everyone’s favorite...
Massachusetts Housing Partnership Panel
The Massachusetts Housing Partnership (MHP) recently hosted an informational panel on Tools and...
Community Compact IT Grant Awarded to Groveland
Use for the Community Compact IT Grant The Community Compact IT Grant is awarded to municipalities...
MV Moves Abutters Survey Takeaways
Introduction As part of the Active Transportation Plan, MVPC staff solicited input from people...
Purpose for the Parcel Standard Maintaining tax records for a municipality is one of the most...
Transportation Funding 101 and 2025-2029 TIP
What’s the TIP? Each year, MVMPO staff develop the region’s Transportation Improvement Program...
Record Breaking Year for CSO Discharge in the Merrimack
Combined Sewage Overflow (CSO) events are a common and concerning occurrences in the Merrimack...
MV Moves Intercept Survey Takeaways
Introduction As part of MV Moves (Active Transportation Plan), MVPC’s Transportation Program...
MVPC Sr. GIS Analyst Mikayla Minor Earns GISP Certification
MVPC is pleased to announce that our Senior GIS Analyst, Mikayla Minor has completed the...
Industrial Zone Profile Kickoff
MVPC is excited to announce the kickoff of a new planning initiative lead by the Community and...
MVPC in Action
Keeping up with our involvement throughout the Merrimack Valley region