Lower Tower Hill Public Space Plan
Active Transportation Plan
- Active Transportation Plan
- Path and Nodes
- Our Process and Engagement
- Lower Tower Hill Public Space Plan
- LTH Public Space Plan Blog Post

Ways to be Involved
MVPC and the City of Lawrence are conducting community engagement throughout the neighborhood to provide opportunities to share your thoughts on the future of streets and public spaces in the neighborhood.
1. Take the Favorite Places Survey – survey.mvpc.org/lawrencefavoriteplaces.
2. Share your feedback on the Lower Tower Hill Community Input Map – survey.mvpc.org/LTHcommunitymap.
3. Attend the Tower Hill Neighborhood Association Meeting on March 26 at 5:30 pm. Location: Our Lady of Good Counsel (Judson Hall) – 526 Lowell Street.
4. Contact [email protected] with your questions and comments.
Observations: Fall 2024
Project Time Line
Project Team
City of Lawrence’s Mayor’s Health Task Force: The City of Lawrence was awarded a Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Heath (REACH) Grant which is a CDC-funded program to reduce health disparities through culturally appropriate programs. The Public Space Plan addresses barriers to phyical activity by creating a plan to improve safety and comfort of streets and public spaces for people to live a more active lifestyle.
MVPC: MVPC is the region’s Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) which distributes federal and state transportation funding to communities in the Merrimack Valley (including the City of Lawrence). The Public Space Plan meets the goals of the MPO by identifying projects that would have a regional impact on mode shift, or encouraging people to walk, bike, roll, or take transit instead of driving a car.
Groundwork Lawrence: Groundwork Lawrence (GWL), a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, has been making change happen in Massachusetts through our environmental and open space improvements, fresh food access programs, youth and adult education and employment initiatives, and community programming and events. GWL Is working on a Climate Resilient Neighborhoods Project to address the risks of climate change in the Lower Tower Hill Neighborhood.