About MVPC
We foster a cooperative effort among our communities in resolving common, regional problems, to allow our communities to plan jointly, and to promote with the greatest efficiency and economy the coordinated and orderly development of the region and the general welfare of its residents.
About MVPC
About MVPC
We foster a cooperative effort among our communities in resolving common, regional problems, to allow our communities to plan jointly, and to promote with the greatest efficiency and economy the coordinated and orderly development of the region and the general welfare of its residents.
Resource Center
Regional Engagements
The Merrimack Valley Stormwater Collaborative is a coalition of the 15 MVPC member communities working together on regional approaches to cost-effective stormwater management represented by DPW personnel and other Planning/Conservation staff and volunteers.
Note: The group is scheduled to meet the first Wednesday of the month. Meeting date and time is determined by the agenda and may change.