- If you need this information in another language, please contact the MVMPO Title VI/Anti-Discrimination Coordinator at 978-374-0519.
- Si necesita esta información en otro idioma, por favor contacte al coordinador de MVMPO del Título VI/Contra la Discriminación al 978-374-0519.
- 如果需要使用其它语言了解信息,请联系Merrimack Valley大都会规划组织(MVMPO)《民权法案》第六章协调员,电话978-374-0519。
The Merrimack Valley Planning Organization (MVMPO) hereby gives notice of the availability of draft FFY2024-2028 TIP Amendment #1.
The above referenced action(s) are available for review on the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC) website (www.mvpc.org/mvmpo) and are described below. The Merrimack Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (MVMPO) will hold two public hearings to discuss the proposed action(s) and receive comments. Comments may also be submitted directly by email to [email protected].
- Hearing Location: Virtual – Please second page of linked document for meeting access: Amendment Notice and Meeting Links
- Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2023
- Time: 1:00pm to 2:00pm (Hearing #1) and 8:15pm to 9:15pm (Hearing #2)
- Meeting Format: No formal presentations will be given; however, staff will be available to discuss the action(s) and receive comments. Comments will be provided to the MVMPO Board to inform their consideration of the action(s).
Proposed Action(s):
The MVMPO is responsible for programming the region’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). This document details how federal aid will fund transportation projects in the region over a five-year period. Amendments add, remove, and qualify funding in given Federal Fiscal Years (FFY). TIP Amendment #1 proposes:
- Addition of Border to Boston Design Earmarks ($312,500 for Newbury, $312,500 for Boxford) in FFY24
- Addition of $454,621 (Surface Transportation Block Grant) and $191,016 (Highway Safety Improvement Program Funds) in FFY24 to support Methuen Intersection Improvements at Riverside Drive and Burnham Road
- Reduction of $2,543,975 in FFY24 for Reconstruction of Route 1 in Salisbury due to availability of additional funding in FFY23
Join the Hearings:
Please use the second page of this linked document to access hearing links: Amendment Notice and Meeting Links