What are your priorities for transportation in Massachusetts? The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is currently developing the annual Capital Investment Plan (CIP), that guides how we prioritize and fund local and statewide transportation projects,...
Notice of Public Hearing and Document Availability
Notice is hereby given of the Availability of the following Draft documents for public review and comment (pdf) (htm) (Spanish) (Chinese) Draft Merrimack Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (MVMPO) FFYs 2021 to 2025 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)...
Public Hearings for the MVMPO Amendments to the TIP & UPWP
Notice of Public Hearing and Availability of Amendments to the MVMPO 2020-2024 TIP and 2020 UPWP (htm) (Spanish) (Chinese) Notice is hereby given of the Availability of the following Draft documents for public review and comment: MVMPO Amendment to the 2020 to 2024...
Draft 2020-2024 TIP Amendments Out for Public Review
Notice is hereby given of the Availability of the following Draft document for public review and comment: Draft Amendments # 1 to # 5 to the Merrimack Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) 2020-2024 Transportation Improvement Program...
Development of FFY 2021 UPWP and FFYs 2021-2025 TIP
The Merrimack Valley Planning Commission is now preparing the draft versions of the Merrimack Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (MVMPO) FFYs 2021 - 2025 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and the FFY 2021 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). The TIP is...
Stairway to the Garrison Trail
Did you see it? We got our first glimpse of the newly constructed stairway leading from Main Street at the Amesbury Visitor’s Center up to the Garrison Trail along I-95. The stairway is part of a construction project that also includes a tunnel under I-95 with...
MVPC Awarded U.S. Economic Development Administration Funds
The Merrimack Valley Planning Commission received funding from the EDA to build a public data portal for the Merrimack Valley region.
MVPC presents the DPW Technology Forum
Bringing comprehensive technological solutions to the communities.
20+ Years of Planning with MVPC’s Anthony Komornick
The Merrimack Valley Planning Commission is celebrating 60 years of service to the region this month and we wanted to take the time to thank our advocates and allies for helping us get to this point. Nothing that MVPC does for the Merrimack Valley can be achieved...
The Transit Regional Development Forum
We’re at the Transit Table: MVPC talks transit development at the Transit Regional Development Forum