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Public Hearings -Draft Amendments 6 & 7- FFY 2022-2026 TIP

Public Hearings -Draft Amendments 6 & 7- FFY 2022-2026 TIP

Notice is hereby given of the Availability of the following Draft Amendments for public review and comment: Draft Amendments # 6 and #7 to the MVMPO FFYs 2022-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) (pdf)  (Spanish español) (html)  (Simplified Chinese 简体中文 ) Two...

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Public Hearings/Review and Comment for TIP and UPWP

Public Hearings/Review and Comment for TIP and UPWP

Public Hearings/Review and Comment for Draft Amendment #2 to the FFY 2022 UPWP and Draft Amendments # 4 and #5 to the FFYs 2022-2026 TIP Notice is hereby given of the Availability of the following Draft Amendments for public review and comment: Draft Amendment #2 to...

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Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)- MVision 2050

Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)- MVision 2050

The development of the next long-range transportation plan for the Merrimack Valley has begun! The Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) examines the existing multimodal transportation network in the region, identifies problems that will require improvement, and...

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Public Hearings/Comment: Draft UPWP and Draft Amendment TIP

Public Hearings/Comment: Draft UPWP and Draft Amendment TIP

Public Hearings/Review and Comment for Draft FFYs 2023 UPWP and Draft Amendment #3 to the FFYs 2022-2026 TIP Notice is herby given of the Availability of the following Draft Document and Amendment for Public Review and Comment: Two (2) virtual public hearings on the...

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Bike Month

Bike Month

MVPC is celebrating bike month by reflecting on the great progress the region is making to develop an active transportation network. With a focus on multi-modal trails, our communities have completed nearly 23 miles - with another 32 miles on the way - of paved trails...

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MassDOT Capital Investment Plan (CIP)

MassDOT Capital Investment Plan (CIP)

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation is currently developing its annual five-year Capital Investment Plan that guides how the state will prioritize and fund local and statewide transportation projects. Your input can inform project design and helps MassDOT...

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Public Hearings & Comment Period for TIP and TIP Amendment

Public Hearings & Comment Period for TIP and TIP Amendment

Notice is hereby given of the Availability of the following Draft Document and Amendment for public review and comment for the following documents: Draft MVMPO FFYs 2023-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (pdf) (html) Project List for Draft MVMPO FFYs 2023-2027...

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