MVPC continues its celebration of Bike Month by sharing photos from the commutes of our staff that enjoy the many ways to get to the office.
MVPC Regional Review – May Issue
Check out MVPC’s monthly Regional Review for the latest Grant announcements and activities including upcoming virtual online events, meetings, and workshops in the Merrimack Valley.
Rowley is the Merrimack Valley’s Newest Green Community
Congratulations to the Town of Rowley for their recent designation as a Green Community with their energy reduction commitment!
Earth Day 2021: Thank Our Planet with Contribution
Earth Day 2021 is special in that more of us are appreciating the benefits of time outside than ever before. How will you give back to our planet this Earth Day?
Great Marsh Symposium 2021: Highlights
A fun, virtual time was had by all at the annual Great Marsh Symposium. Over 125 participants joined to partake in presentations on the marsh.
Merrimack Valley’s Frances Cole Lee
In honor of Black History Month, MVPC would like to recognize the Merrimack Valley poet, Frances Cole Lee for her contributions to writing and poetry.
MVPC Receives MS4 Municipal Assistance Grant
Merrimack Valley Stormwater Collaborative receives MS4 Municipal Assistance Grant to help communities meet federal stormwater permit requirements aimed at reducing pollution in waterways.
MVPC’s Rowley MVP Storymap Receives Recognition
The storymap developed to facilitate virtual public engagement during Rowley’s MVP planning process with MVPC receives recognition as best practices.
MVPC Awarded Grant to Prevent Pollution in Waterways
Last week the Baker-Polito Administration awarded over $1.4M to six projects across Massachusetts including to Essex County through MVPC. This Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) funding is awarded by MassDEP through the 319 Grant Program which focuses on the implementation of measures to control nonpoint source (NPS) pollution to surface and groundwater.
Clean Transportation for Rural Areas Virtual Webinar
The Transportation and Climate Initiative is a multi-state compact to reduce carbon emissions and invest in better, cleaner, more equitable transportation. What does this mean for rural communities and transportation in Massachusetts? What are the benefits, and who decides how the program is run?