In Case You Missed It: MassBike Bike Month Challenge
A recap of the festivities of Bike Month and how MVPC’s staff participated in the MassBike Bike Month Challenge.
A recap of the festivities of Bike Month and how MVPC’s staff participated in the MassBike Bike Month Challenge.
May is Bike Month and what a great month to celebrate it with the weather warming up and everyone eager to get outside.
MVPC staff is taking on the MassBike Bike Month Challenge head-on. Join us in the commitment to take a ride or bike to work this month! Share your stories on the MassBike website.
Check out MassDOT’s Virtual Transportation Innovation Conference. MVPC will present our updated pavement management strategy and synchronicity with our GIS ecosystem at the MassDOT Innovation Conference.
Earth Day 2021 is special in that more of us are appreciating the benefits of time outside than ever before. How will you give back to our planet this Earth Day?