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Merrimack Valley Vision Zero

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On Wednesday August 28, 2024, the Merrimack Valley Metropolitan Transportation Organization (MVMPO) released the regional vision zero plan, MV Vision Zero, for public comment. Vision Zero is a policy framework with a goal of eliminating roadway serious injuries and fatalities. This is a landmark plan for the region as it sets a deadline of 2050 to get to zero. MV Vision zero puts forth a policy statement, strategies, and priority projects in each of the 15 Merrimack Valley Communities. The MVMPO invites you, our regional community, to review the plan, send your questions and comments, and discuss what Vision Zero means for the region’s future.

MV Vision Zero is a commitment by the Merrimack Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization to eliminate all injury crashes by the year 2050 because life-changing injuries and death are unacceptable consequences of travel by any mode.

Since 2017, 140 people have been killed, and 1,080 people have sustained life-changing injuries in transportation-related crashes in the Merrimack Valley. Although driver deaths are declining, the risk for people who walk, bike, or use public transportation (also known as Vulnerable Road Users) is increasing. Some contributing factors to this disturbing trend include heavier cars, faster speeds, and persistent social stress. Another critical factor is the transportation network’s historical design, which has prioritized travel time reduction, resulting in danger by design for all roadway users. This plan acknowledges that walking, biking, and taking transit all improve transportation efficiency, but these benefits can only be fully realized when safety is prioritized.

Traditional Approach VS Vision Zero Approach

Often, advancements in technology are looked to as the solution to critical problems. This has long been the response to transportation safety. And to the benefit of many, improvements have indeed been made in vehicle safety, roadway design, post-crash emergency response, and medical care. However, balancing the many needs of the transportation network while prioritizing safety requires not only technological advancement but also holistic thinking. This is why the MVMPO embraces the Vision Zero approach.

Safe Systems Approach

Please visit the MV Vision Zero webpage to learn more about the region’s safety action plan. You can submit questions and comments to [email protected]