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20+ Years of Planning with MVPC’s Jerrard Whitten

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With the introduction of October 2019, MVPC wants to wrap up September’s Celebration of 60 Years by once again thanking our residents, communities, and officials for 60 years of regional collaboration. We would also like to thank our staff, past and present for their diligence and commitment to ensure the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission is a constant advocate and innovator for the region.

September’s close also brings us our last featured staff member, Jerrard Whitten, head of our GIS and IT department and whose 24 years at MVPC are marked with constant technological innovations and long-standing partnerships that keep our commission evolving to fit the dynamic needs of our communities.

Known for wearing many hats, from shellfish aquaculture to the introduction of the Municipal Information Mapping Access Program (MIMAP) to GPS based Vehicle Management initiatives- Jerrard has centered his career around MVPC’s mission to plan, innovate and promote. We wanted to know his take on what 24 years of municipal innovation require from our staff:

“Believing in the subject matter and the overall MVPC mission as well as being adaptable to evolving municipal priorities. Having a desire to help municipalities improve their operation and being patient when governmental processes don’t move as swiftly toward change and progress as we would hope.”

Like businesses and industries, city and town governments are trending toward the implementation of more technologies to run more efficiently. In his role, Jerrard has had the privilege of being a part of some of MVPC’s most progressive initiatives. We asked Jerrard about his proudest moment to understand how these programs leave lasting impressions on our agency as well as our communities.

“One of the proudest individual moments was being invited to New York City to receive an award from the IEDC (International Economic Development Council) for our work on the Haverhill Means Business economic development website, which became the foundation for today’s WeAreMV, our economic development site for the region. That being said, I walk in to work each day proud of my colleagues in GIS and the progressive work that we undertake each year. It brings me a tremendous sense of reward to have great relationships with our communities and to feel like the work the agency does truly helps our member communities and is valued for its contribution.”

It is through innovation and adaptability of staff, communities, and partners that MVPC has helped communities do what they do better for 60 years. Thank you, Jerrard, for 24 years of service to the agency and the people of this region. Thank you, communities, partners, and supporters, for your continued confidence in MVPC’s ability to progress our initiatives to meet your changing needs. Here’s to the next 60 years!

GIS and IT Program Manager Jerrard Whitten