Proposed Amendments # 6 and # 7 to the MVMPO FFYs 2022 to 2026 TIP August 2022

FFY 2022 Highway Projects

Regional Target Projects

Proposed Amendment /Project Description


Regional Target Funding

Total Project Cost

Amendment #6: Remove Project

Lawrence –



Intersection Improvements at Merrimack

Street and South Broadway (Route 28) (#




Amendment #7: Remove Project

Lawrence –



Intersection Reconstruction at Marston Street

& East Haverhill Street (# 610923)



MVRTA Flex to FTA to Replace Model Yr

2011 Buses with New Clean Diesel Buses Order 1/2022 Delivery 6/2023 (6 of 8) (# S12107)



MVRTA Flex to FTA to Replace Model Yr

2011 Buses with New Hybrid Buses Order

1/2022 Delivery 6/2023 (2 of 8) (# S12108)



MVRTA Flex to FTA to Repower five (5) Model Yr 2015 Transit Buses (# S12109)



MVRTA Flex to FTA to Repower five (5) Model Yr 2016 Transit Buses (# S 12110)



MVRTA Flex to FTA to Upgrade CAD/AVL

and Automated Vehicle Announcement (AVA) (# S12111)



MVRTA- Flex to FTA Riverbank Stabilization

Phase 2 (#S12724)



Rowley - Safety Improvements at Route 1, Central and Glen Streets (609392)



2022 Regional Target Funding Totals

Regional Target Programmed = $8,157,369
Available 2022 Regional Target Funding = $13,013,413
Remaining Available Funds = $4,856,044

Prepared 8/9/22 Page 1 of 1